Chalene Johnson (creator of both ChaLEAN Extreme and Turbofire) is also a motivational speaker. Sometimes I'm a bit wary of motivational speakers because they are just, well, too darn motivational. I guess I feel sometimes they are so overly positive that they must be covering some deep hurt or feeling of inadequacy. Gosh, I sound like Ms. Positive, don't I?
But not Chalene. Somehow she motivates me and it feels genuine. Nothing like a good pep talk during a workout to make me remember why I am doing it!

Anyway, Chalene is always harping on to do lists over on Facebook. Her latest one is "My to do list guides my day and when it's done, I feel empowered."
Oh how true that is.
I will say that I think I got my list making ability from my mom. She always made lists. Grocery shopping lists, meal planning lists for camping trips, lists for what chores us kids needed done before she got home from work (or else), etc.
And I agree nothing feels better than to cross things off as you go.
So if you feel stuck in a rut, unable to get your day going, or have a long workout schedule planned out for the next few months (me!), then make a list or calendar and start crossing things off. Show your list to the world and let them know as you accomplish each task. Whatever you need to do to get. things. done.
I too am list obsessed. It makes me feel so much more focused!