You've been good to me.
Approximately $600 saved and a new-found appreciation for the home-cooked over the store-bought.
It wasn't difficult at all.
The cravings have subsided and the closet has become a little more full.
Although I already have eating out plans made for this week, I can guarantee my eating out will be much less frequent.
What shall the challenge be for December?
Five days a week of working out? Can I do it??
Here's to "getting in shape" being my non-New Year resolution! :)
Congrats on the big month. I totally channeled your energy tonight and Winco and only bought what I needed for home cooked meals... no impulse purchases, and I totaled on my phone like a nut as I went. I made it out of there at $116 though, and I was within 40 cents of my estimate. Felt really good, like beating a video game. Hopefully now Christmas can happen--if I keep this up again. :)